Rivers Of Grief

I don’t have an article for you this week. I am grieving, and I thought maybe I would share what’s happening with you, but I’m not ready. It didn’t feel right to not put anything out, so I landed on sharing a photograph with you.

I keep finding myself being drawn to water. If you have read more of my work you may know how much I love water, and how comforting and regulating I find it. I’m taking soothing baths, a privilege I am grateful for, and not available to many others who are deep in grief. What my mindbody is calling for, is to wade in a river. Those near where I live are too cold for my sensory sensitivities right now, but I’ve found that looking at this image creates a powerful sense of being immersed in these blue-green waters.

I took this shot in Rastoke, Croatia, a couple of weeks ago. Rastoke is a beautiful little village about an hour and a half’s drive from the capital city of Zagreb. It is known for its water mills, turquoise rivers and the waterfalls created where the Slunjčica meets the Korana river. I took this photo on a rainy, peaceful walk.




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